Catégorie : Chemical Engineering
2015:Influence of initial glycerol concentration upon bacterial cells adaptability and biodegradation kinetics on a submerged aerated fixed bed reactor using Biocell® (PE05) packing
by B. Lekhlif, G. Hébrard, N. Dietrich, A. Kherbeche, J. Echaabi Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
By : N. DIETRICH, J. FRANCOIS, M. JIMENEZ, A. COCKX, P. GUIRAUD, G. HEBRARD Abstract: A fast method is proposed for determining the oxygen gas-liquid diffusion coefficient from measurements of the fluorescence quenching behind a bubble. The approach consists of capturing pictures of concentration field at micro-scale in the laminar bubble wake. The […]
2014: Oxygen mass transfer and hydrodynamic behaviour in wastewater: Determination of local impact of surfactants by visualization techniques
By Mélanie Jimenez, Nicolas Dietrich, John R. Grace, Gilles Hébrard Abstract: Powerful techniques, based on the Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) technique, are deployed to locally visualize and quantify the impact of surfactants in wastewaters on hydrodynamics and oxygen mass transfer. Bubble diameter, aspect ratio, rise velocity, contamination angle, as well as flux, flux density, […]
Visualization of mass transfer around a bubble at formation in a flow-focusing microreactor (To be submitted)
Visualization of mass transfer around a bubble at formation in a flow-focusing microreactor of 500µm square channel. By Lixia Yang, Nicolas Dietrich, Karine Loubière, Christophe Gourdon & Gilles Hébrard To be submitted (2014)
Water-oil emulsion sprays in a VOC absorption column
Water-oil emulsion sprays in a VOC absorption column by N. Dietrich&G. Hébrard (2014)
Mass transfer in the wake of non-spherical air bubbles quantified by quenching of fluorescence
M. Jimenez, N. Dietrich, G. Hébrard, Chem. Eng. Sci. (2013) Full paper here Abstract Based on planar laser induced fluorescence with inhibition (PLIFI) experiments, the mass transfer behavior in the wake of single rising air bubbles is investigated. Bubbles of equivalent diameters ranging from 0.90 to 2.24 mm are studied, exhibiting vertical and zigzagging paths […]
Mass transfer around a bubble in a square channel
A new direct technique for visualizing and measuring gas-liquid mass transfer around bubbles moving in a straight millimetric square channel N. Dietrich a, b, c, f, , , K. Loubière d, e, f, M. Jimenez a, b, c, f, G. Hébrard a, b, c, f, C. Gourdon d, e, f a Université de Toulouse; INSA, […]
Bubble rising in a 2D packed cell
Property of Kherbeche, Milnes, Dietrich, Hebrard and Lekhlif – 2012